Connecting international experts and patients with the latest clinical data

The International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease (ISSVD) is committed to promoting vulvar education to medical providers globally in order to effectively create change worldwide. 

79% of vulvovaginal disease experts received training in vulvovaginal disorders through self-teaching, and only 19% received vulvovaginal training during residency and 11% during fellowship (Citation: Venkatesan et al).

Many women’s health providers do not receive training in skin conditions that have a predilection for the genital area. The most common vulvovaginal conditions that present to dermatology-based referral vulvar clinics include lichen sclerosus, lichen planus, and vitiligo (Citation: Goncalves et al).

A small group of medical professionals have dedicated their studies around both educating other providers and continuing to research and find scientific evidence in order to improve quality of care for patients who present to clinic with a vulvovaginal disorder. 

What inspires us.

The ISSVD is a non-profit membership society with a mission of educating providers in the treatment of vulvovaginal conditions and to increase research opportunities. We accomplish these goals by offering collaboration opportunities among members, offering educational CME courses, encouraging research and working to improve communication worldwide.


Board of Directors

The ISSVD Board of Directors is made up of Fellows of the ISSVD from various regions and specialties. They work together to help ensure that the Society goals and mission are followed. We are grateful for their dedication and tireless efforts to help us grow and attain these goals. If you are interested in serving, please contact us at


The International Society for the
Study of Vulvovaginal Disease (ISSVD)

Contact Us

PO Box 586
Waxhaw, NC 28173

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