Collaborate & Educate with Fellow ISSVD Members

In our ongoing goal of creating global thinking around women’s wellness, ISSVD has a North American chapter and are working to create affiliated societies made of national organization groups to create communities. Our hope is that by creating regional affiliated societies, individuals in those regions will be able to collaborate to address the specific health and cultural challenges around women’s wellness specific to their location.


North American Chapter

The North American Chapter of the ISSVD offers an additional networking and learning opportunities for those providers within Canada, Mexico and the United States to collaborate and work to better serve women in North America.


Related Societies

These National Societies work to create networking and learning opportunities within their regions and work to ensure global education, terminology and research is accomplished.


The International Society for the
Study of Vulvovaginal Disease (ISSVD)

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PO Box 586
Waxhaw, NC 28173

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