
Welcome to the new ISSVD Listserve. As a member of the ISSVD and/or NA Chapter, you have been subscribed. You can unsubscribe anytime using the link in the footer below.

  • Our listserve uses Google Groups.
  • Please send any new posts to and save this to your address book.
  • You will receive new posts on Mondays and responses will be sent on Fridays. (All posts are moderated, so if you post something, it will not go out until the following Monday).
  • If you do not have a google account you can still view and respond to all posts via your email. If you do have a google account, you can also view them in But, this is not necessary. 


The International Society for the
Study of Vulvovaginal Disease (ISSVD)

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PO Box 586
Waxhaw, NC 28173

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