Join us

The North American Chapter of the ISSVD offers a unique opportunity for collaboration of providers in the US, Canada and Mexico. Your annual $50 Membership dues offers access to our membership directory, document library, members discussion forum, newsletters, etc. The North American chapter’s goals are to educate providers and offer support to its members. The North American Chapter offers educational courses approximately twice annually and has a Biennial Scientific meeting in which abstracts are presented and new officers are elected.

*Resource only available to members

North American Member Directory*

Connect with other members through our searchable member directory.  Other members can be searched by name, location or specialty. 




NA Member Listserve*

Communicate with other NA Chapter Members and members of the International Society (ISSVD). Share cases and other questions to the group and get their feedback straight in your inbox. Every NA member is included in the Listserve. Each email offers an unsubscribe option at the bottom.

NA Chapter Newsletter*

Stay up-to-date on all Chapter activities through our NA Chapter newsletter.  This quarterly resource offers interesting news related to the chapter, scientific reviews of literature and general information related to vulvar disease in North America. 


Quarterly Virtual Grand Rounds/Journal Club

Join us October 5th for a virtual Journal Club. We will discuss Laser for vulvar lichen sclerosus - Where do we stand?

Host: Jeanne Bouteaud, MD 



The International Society for the
Study of Vulvovaginal Disease (ISSVD)

Contact Us

PO Box 586
Waxhaw, NC 28173

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