This book is dedicated to everyone affected by vulvar lichen sclerosus (LS). Our aim is
to provide comprehensive education and support to all who navigate this condition,
emphasizing the importance of inclusive and respectful healthcare. Throughout the
book we have referred to women and girls, reflecting that most people affected by vulvar LS
identify as female and this informs both our clinical experience and the scientific literature.
We also recognize people with LS who identify as male or non-binary and acknowledge the
challenges of their LS journey.
We wish to extend our deepest gratitude to the numerous authors and collaborators from
around the globe who contributed countless hours of their expertise to this book. Your ded-
ication and hard work have been instrumental in creating this open access resource. A spe-
cial thanks goes to the International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease (ISSVD)
for their unwavering support and commitment to advancing education and research in this
field. For all those living with vulvar LS: your experiences and resilience inspire us every day.
We hope this book will serve as a vital tool in educating healthcare providers worldwide, ulti-
mately leading to improved patient care and better outcomes for all affected by this condition.
With sincere thanks and hopes for a brighter future,
Tania Day
Melissa Mauskar
Amanda Selk